
A Giveaway with Sassitude

Contest open to those with a US mailing address only. I'm sorry, I can't afford the extra shipping at this time.

Have you heard the buzz? The Bloggy Giveaways Carnival is in full swing. As of this posting, there are almost 700 giveaways linked to the Carnival (and I haven't added my five yet!). There are guidelines on that post if you want to host your own, too. Lots of fun to be had this week.

Now on to my own giveaway with sassitude! You can win a beautiful plant...check it out:

Oh wait...looks like I forgot to water it. Hmmmm, I've got it. You can win something delicious for the chocoholic in you:

Much better. How do you win this yummy gift? Just leave a comment on this post. I prefer comments with sassitude, but any comment will do as long as it is family friendly. Maybe you could tell me something interesting about you! Contest ends Saturday, February 2nd and the winner will be announced Sunday, February 3rd.

PLEASE make sure I can get in touch with you or make sure you check back Sunday. If I can't get your mailing information, I'll have to select another winner.

Contest open to those with a US mailing address only. I'm sorry, I can't afford the extra shipping at this time.

125 sassy comments:

ali said...

cool site. your giveaway made me laugh...looks like my plants. :)

Jenny said...

I love the heart mug! Too cute!!!

I have never had a pet before I got married. Now I have a puppy!

peg42 said...

Thank you for the wonderful giveaway. My plants look like yours. Please enter me for the yummy treat and thanks.

Karin said...

Sorry I am all out of sass today! Please enter me in your giveaway anyway?? Thank you! Have a great evening.

windycindy said...

Hey, How are you?! You have picked a fun gift for the contest. I know your would. Please enter me in your drawing. Pretty please.....

Anonymous said...

Please enter me for your giveaway!
It sounds great!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great idea! I'm happy to have an American address!!

Unknown said...

The mug is super cute!

LadySnow said...

Very neat idea!

"J" said...

I was thinking a plant would be cool...lol...at least a planter!!! =) The Chocolate is MUCH better though! I really like your site...I will be back!!! =)


Amity said...

I love the mug ..very fantabulous!!! Sorry but my kids sucked all the sass out of me for the day :-<

Scarlett said...

I love it, but I think you mean it ends February 2 ;)

Hannah said...

dear queen of this blog,
too cute..love the mug..love chocolate...need both b/c sometimes the folks in my kingdom forget who is their queen, you know?!
have a great day :-)

Sweetpeas said...

LOL, you're too funny! Please enter me in your drawing :)

JoAnn said...

Oh gosh, I have not one but two plants that look almost like that with a third heading that way. I think they all decided to revolt against me.

Geri said...

Great Giveaway!! Thanks for the fun!

Sky said...

I thought you were serious at first! :) I'm not one to have the green thumb. Great giveaway...who doesn't need a great mug and some chocolate cookies!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me! Thanks!
Tami Parker

Kristin said...

Sassy! Enter me in to win! delandkristin@hotmail.com

Brit said...

I'm a chocoholic so count me in! The mug is so cute!

Someone Being Me said...

I love chocolate and coffee mugs. Count me in.

Anonymous said...

Yummy! I have a beagle, whom I adore, but with whom I would not share any of this prize... not even a crumb!

Anonymous said...

I do that to my houseplants too.

Count me in please.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away. Don't miss the daily edition of contests galore that I post on my blog.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

Mrs. Sara said...

Did someone say chocolate? Great, now I'm going to have to go find a piece of chocolate before I go just a little nuts! BRB...

Please enter me!

Teddi said...

You said the magic word - all loyal subjects in our kingdom know that to get anything done around here it must be said with, accompany, come with a promise of or be dipped in chocolate! (Either that or a foot rub! but I digress...) Either way chocolate is never turned away! Thank you in advance if I win!

Liz said...

Ha ha! I was wondering how you could mail a plant without getting dirt all over the post office!
elisarosehilliard at gmail dot com

Awesome Mom said...

Much better than a pot of dirt lol

Julie Donahue said...

Chocolate is the language of the soul....

Meagan said...

You sure know the way to the blogger heart...chocolate!

The Chatty Housewife said...

You are right, I would much prefer the chocolate gift package than the old dirt! Cute pot though! Well something about myself... Hmm... I love to sing!


michelle said...

Oh my goodness! I almost spewed my morning Coke all over my keyboard! When I first started reading your post about giving away a plant, I thought you were giving away one of those pots that has a special flower bulb in it, which you would then send to the winner, they would water it, and it would grow. As I scrolled down and saw that that wasn't the case...well, let's just say you have a sense of humour similar to mine.

I wouldn't have minded a plant, but the chocolate prize sounds even better. I would love to be entered in your drawing.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Diane said...

You remind me of Ratatan for some reason....

CrystalGB said...

You have a great sense of humor. Great prize. Thanks for the chance.

Madame Moore said...

Someone once told me that you cannot live on bread and water alone, and I agreed. How you can live without chocolate and wine too? ;)

Megan said...

You made me smile today!

Rachie S. said...

Ha Ha...well, the pot is cute!
Thanks for this great giveaway!

Maude Lynn said...

Poor plant!

Zaankali said...

Please include me.

you da mom! said...

lol, thanks for entering me!

Re said...

GREAT giveaway! I hope I’m the lucky winner!

love your personality and sense of humor lol

ahiltz said...

Hmmm...bummer about the plant! Poor thing! (wink-wink) LOL! At least it looks like he is out of his misery! (my plants would look the same if I had any, so don't feel too bad! LOL!) Thanks so much for doing this!


P.S. Love your sense of sassitude, girl! :-)

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

That much would look fabulous in my home. ;) The whole plant thing had me cracking up. I have one of those as well. lol! Thanks for the fun giveaway!!

jayedee said...

very nice giveaway! please throw my name into the hat too......good luck everyone!

Shannon said...

I'm happy you aren't giving me a plant...cause it would have died over here anyway!

Something interesting about me...I am a mommy to four boys, ages 5 (almost 6) and under...and due in August with baby #5! What are my chances of having a girl...um, I'm thinking boy, lol. We'll find out in about 6 weeks :)

Give me chocolate!

Anonymous said...

This prize is mine !!!!!!!

heidi @ ggip said...

Hi. That is a very cute prize. Thanks so much. I hope you enjoy all the chaos that this bloggy carnival has created.

Britni said...

I'm not really sassy... please pick me :)

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

GiBee said...

I'm thinking that all you'll need to do to perk your plant up is stick your little finger in it. Your sassitude will liven it right up! Thanks for the chance to enter your drawing!

Snowbird said...

I really love plants but if I have to have Chocolate, I guess I would accept it. :-) Please sign me up.

Deborah in Atlanta said...

Wow, there for a minute, I thought I wasn't going to be interested in your giveaway. I have such a brown thumb. But boy - I'm definitely interested in your yummy for the tummy item. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

Stephanie said...

Oh I love this mug!!! The chocolate sounds so good too!

Kailani said...

Interesting, huh? I'm a plant killer (not on purpose) but I would love some chocolate!

I would love to win this! Thank you!

anislandlife at yahoo dot com

An Island Life

Amy said...

I feel very pressured to come up with some sass.

I do want to enter the contest, though!

Susan said...

Hey, that looks like one of my plants. Thanks for the giveaway.

Mystnrayne said...

lol thank you for making me laugh. Please enter me.

Teri said...

sweeet! Thanks so much for not sending me a dead plant ;)

Bree said...

Ohh- please enter me!

Bebemiqui said...

Great giveaway! Count me in.

Kierra said...

you tricked me there for a minute! ;)

Anonymous said...

That mug is oh so cute! monk5@charter.net

Sahm Lee said...

Can I pick the plant? LOL, chocolate yum! Thanks for the contest!

Marilyn B said...

When I first saw the pot I was like WTH ..LOL That was to funny thanks for the laugh :)Count me in your great giveaway please. Thank you!

JaniceJ said...

Hey, that looks like my plants!!
Thanks for the great giveaway.

Qtpies7 said...

That is how my plants look if I am in charge. So my husband took over. He started a game with our 16yo dd. Every Monday they race to be the first to ask "Did you water the plant?" and that person has to water it that week. It is a huge competition. Setting alarms to get up first, leaving voice messages on cell phones... it gets crazy, lol.

Love the mug, I collect them, and then the kids break them. Brats.

Holladay Family said...

This post was made for me. When I was in College, I decided to have a pet plant. I named it Chocolate. One day I went home for the weekend and then I remembered about my tiny plant and raced (yes I raced back for a dumb plant) back to college only to find him dead. I was devastated. I tried having a few other plants which my mom had to rescue and keep. She later threw them away because they were beyond help. I have 3 (soon to be 4) children and they all get fed and watered. That is if you count mac and cheese and chicken noodle soup as food. So, anyway, I use chocolate to make it through the day. To win this would make my day!
My email is holladayfam(at)gmail(dot)com.

Thanks again!

brooke said...

I'm glad your giveaway is that cute mug and not the plant. Even if the plant were alive, I'd kill it. I more of a brown thumb than a green one. :(

Wendy said...

Great giveaway! Count me in:)

Anonymous said...

Anything with chocolate sounds fantastic to me!

Marcia said...

I have to have that mug! It's so gorgeous and it would be perfect for me at work. You see, they only serve coffee here and I don't drink coffee so I have to buy my own hot chocolate and use the microwave to heat it up in one of those styrofoam cups. THIS mug would make me feel so much sassier!! :-D

Anonymous said...

Fun. I Have some plants that need some attention, too.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, chocolate. I don't know if I can even muster any sass, in the face of chocolatey cookies and a cute little mug!

Thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

A chocoholic mug... mixing my two favorite addictions. Now all I'd need to do is wrap a skein of lovely wool yarn around it and it'd be the Valentine of my dreams! Maybe I'll have the opportunity (although I'm usually dreadfully unlucky when it comes to drawings. Where is the luck o' the Irish when I need it?)

Anonymous said...

Please enter me! ernestsgirl82@aol.com

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

Terrific giveaway. Thanks!

Katie said...

I think my thumb is as green as yours. Can't keep a plant alive to save my life. Please enter me, thanks. katie_mmartin (at) yahoo (dot)com.

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Thanks for the contest!

kelly said...

Please choose me 'cause I'm funny!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this amazing giveaway and please enter me!

Joanna said...

Enter me in your giveaway, please. Thank you!

A family of boys said...

All right, I need to know, when did you come into my house and take that picture of my plants? Yes, that is supposed to be plural. :)

tlcfromtn said...

Sorry but I am all out of sass for today. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Unknown said...

i wonder if i would be more motivated to care for my houseplants if they were chocolate plants....

Jenna Z said...

oh, do I see that that mug includes cookies?! Mmmmm, cookies!

Tes283 said...

Water, please water me. Oh, queen of nurture please water me.

Ok that is not working---
Yo Ho H2O.

that should do it.

lol - enough attitude for you sis?

Amber said...

Oh, I love the mug. I have a thing for coffee mugs. I have several cute ones, but this would be my new favorite one.

And I'm not good at sassy. I think of sassy about an hour later after the moment has long passed and it's too late. But I'm working on it. :)

PastormacsAnn said...

Mmmmmm. I hope I win!

noreen said...

sassy sassitude, that is my girls, can't think of anything they said recently but it is late, would still love to win

Beth @ The Natural Mommy said...

I was all excited about your plant. I thought it looked normal.

But THEN I SAW THE CHOCOLATE. And I forgot all about the plant. (Or lack thereof.)

Sheila said...

That's one of my plants! Please count me in for another pretty pot full of dirt or the chocolate!

Krista said...

Chocoholics anonymous meets here, eh? :) It does at my house!

Lisa Garner said...

Uh Oh, that looks like one of my plants. ): Good thing my husband has such a green thumb! I would love to win that cute mug with chocolate. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

Unknown said...


Having just become 50 and suffering from MENTAL-pause, I have found it necessary to balance my magnetic personality and a metabolism—that has slammed on it's brakes—with something that will force me to stick to the outside of the refrigerator door instead of opening it!


Katie said...

cute mug! Looks like I could use some coffee right now its like 7:45...=]

Cory said...

Chocolate is perfect, but what if I want the plant?:-) Thanks for offering this great give away. Take care, Cory

Ginny said...

Love chocolate, wish I had a better sassitude!

Paisley said...

Your plant looks healthy compared to some of mine!

That's a darling mug! Please enter me in your giveaway!

Summer said...

i'm a zumba instructor! super sass :)

JewelsHud said...

This is super cute and just in time for heart day!! Thanks for the giveaway!

julieahudson [at] hot mail [.]com

Heather said...

What a generous gift!

Maren said...

Very cute!

Erica G said...


Angela said...

Very nice, thanks.

ktrae said...

mmm...chocholate.. I think the gummy bear we just torched would have wanted me to have chocolate.

Karen said...

This is so nice, Thank You!

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Taryn said...

I'd love this! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Gloria said...

My plants look like the one shown in your post, I can't for the life of me keep them alive :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to enter! :)

Something interesting about me is that I have had white hair all of my life :)


Anonymous said...

Let's see what I can tell you about me that might interest you... Hmmm! I have a $120 GC to give away on my blog, and a year of free hosting.
How was that?

Rashmi said...

Here's my entry. Thanks!
callmeabookworm at gmail dot com

Tammy said...

Sassitude! I'll have to remember that. Thanks for the contest.

Cindy said...

Super cute! Thanks for entering me.

Fiddle D. Dee said...

How sweet! Chocolate always is a winner! Thanks for the chance to win!

fyjules said...

But I like the dead plant lol, Hope I win, I mean hope I win the Chocolates.

Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

It's good to be queen! :) As for something interesting about me... I just ate ravioli made with homemade pesto, made with basil I grew in the house. How's that?

Richelle said...

Looks like some of my plants! :)

Amy L said...

I love the cute pot! Something interesting about me...hmmm...well, according to my dad, my grandmother's family had ties to the mafia.

Stacey Moore said...

please enter us!! thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a sucker for chocolate.
I would have been happy with winning the plant though.


Unknown said...

Please enter me in your contest

Belinda said...

I'm a night owl. Been up since 10:30 pm or so. :)

Becky said...

Mmmmm, sign me up!

Christi S said...

chocolate is one of my best friends!!:D Thanks for sharing!

Chelsea said...

My daughter would love the pink and brown mug! Help me score some Mommy Points and randomly pick me!

Marly said...

Sign me up, please!

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