
Bloggy Giveaway Hangover Anyone

Wow - over 800 giveaways this round. You know what that means? There are some serious givers out there that know how blessed a person is when they give. I'm still bummed that I missed out on this round (as a giver). Thankfully, we are once again healthy and next time, I'll have something fun planned I'm sure.

I did, however, manage to enter some giveaways. Wowza! There are gift cards, books, clothes, jewelry, toys...so many neat things to possibly win. My fingers feel like nubs and my kids are tired of staring at the back of my head. :)

Life is returning to normal as we hit the end of the giveaways. I've found some new blogs to read. Here are a couple blogs I am enjoying thanks to Bloggy Giveaways:

Marsha from Our School and Other Such Happenings has a gorgeous blog and she has a great sense of humor. :)

The Natural Mommy is another new favorite of mine. I can totally relate to her posts and love her writing style.

Thoughts from Miller Manor is fun to read and I love the look of her blog.

Now, I'm off to enter one or two more giveaways and then the kids and I have some friends to hang out with this afternoon. Bring on the girly chit chat and FOOD. :)

2 sassy comments:

Anonymous said...

great blogs thanks for sharing!

Celene said...

Thanks for entering for the bracelet. God Bless, Celene

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